The name of the band, Burbank Community Band, was adopted on November 14, 1997. Originally, the name was Lockheed Employees Recreation Center Band.
According to the Lockheed Chronicles and The Lockheed Star dated April 19, 1940, the first mention of the Lockheed Employees Recreation Center Band was listed under the LERC Calendar for Monday, April 22. It mentioned Band practice at John Muir Junior High School cafeteria at 7:30 PM. Following that date, the band was listed regularly as having practice and/or entertaining the employees at various locations at noon breaks.
By the early 1980s, the band was rehearsing at its present location, Robert E. Gross Park, on Friday mornings. The band was under the direction of Domenic Chieffo and was managed by Anne Boscke. Ms. Boscke worked in the Lockheed Planning Department and was a very active manager as well an the band vocalist.
These pictures were taken at a concert in 1985.
Lockheed moved from the Burbank facility to Palmdale, CA, in February, 1993. The band decided to remain in Burbank. For a few years, it was known as the DOMAR Band for Don and Mary Holcomb, who directed and managed the band respectively. Rehearsals were held wherever space was found. Ultimately, Lockheed donated their recreation center and surrounding property to the City of Burbank, with the stipulation that the city would continue to support the band by providing rehearsal space. The City named the park after Robert E. Gross, the visionary Chief Executive and Chairman of Lockheed. The band continues to rehearse at its traditional time at Gross Park.
In December of 2011, Dr. Holcomb retired as the director and Paulette Westphal became the conductor. In 2012, a Board of Directors was formed, and the band incorporated as a 501(c)3 charitable organization.